Practice Areas 执业领域
a Cloud-Based New Generation Law Firm
Our Firm, United Securities Legal Group (“US Legal Group”), is a Cloud-Based Business, Corporate, Commercial, and Financial U.S. (CA) Law Firm Mainly Specializing in Securities, Funds, Capital Markets, Cryptos, Real estates, IPs, IPOs, M&As, RTOs, Commercial Litigation & International Arbitration, etc.
As a next-generation law firm, our team could work remotely around the globe, providing timely and exceptional legal services and representations to our clients in connection with their commercial & financial transactions, projects, structures, deals, liabilities, and obligations.
What We Are Expert At
Legal Practice Areas 法律执业领域
Corporate, Finance & Securities 公司, 金融 & 证券
Corporate, Financial, Securities, Public Offering and Private Placements. 公司,金融,证券,公开发行,私募配售。
Investments & Investment Banking 投资 & 投行
Private Equity and Venture Capital Investments, Investment Banking. 私募股权,风险投资,投资银行。
Investment Funds & Asset Management 基金 & 资管
PE Funds, VC Funds, Real Estate Funds, Crypto Funds, and Hedge Funds; Global Asset Managements. 股权/风投/地产/数字资产/对冲基金,国际资产管理。
M&As, Reverse Merger/RTOs 并购重组 & 借壳上市
Mergers and Acquisitions; Reverse Mergers and RTO on NASDAQ, NYSE, OTC Markets. 并购重组,纽交所/纳斯达克/OTC市场借壳上市、反向并购。
Global IPOs & Listings 环球上市 & 公开发行
IPOs & Listings on NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC Markets; Reg D, Reg S & Reg A+ Offerings. 环球上市,公开发行,Reg D, S, A+豁免和/或公开发行。
Offshore Finance & Tax Planning 离岸金融 & 国际税筹
Offshore Finance, Offshore Funds, Offshore Corporate Secretarial Services, International Tax Plannings. 离岸金融,离岸基金,离岸公司秘书服务,国际税务筹划。
Digital Assets & Cryptos 数字资产 & 区块链投行
Digital Assets, Crypto Funds, Blockchain Investment Banking, ICO, STO,. 数字资产,加密货币基金,区块链投行,代币化发行。
Our Practice 执业领域
US Legal Group is a client-oriented legal practice offering a full range of corporate, commercial, and financial legal advices from our locally-qualified, internationally experienced, and geographically-distributed legal team.
Sean Jiang
Jiang Jing (Sean), our Founding Partner, is: admitted to the Bar of California (since 2021, 339158) & China (since 2008); and a Licensed Fund Manager in both U.S. (CRD 7463950) & China.
Our Team 律师团队
Aspiring to be a world-renowned legal advisory group, our Firm is young, dynamic, and innovative. We are experienced in each of the U.S., Hong Kong, China, and U.K. capital markets. Our working languages include English & Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese).
Mr. Jiang with Tim Lui, Chairman of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
Through leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and de-leveraging overheads, we dedicate ourselves to the provision of premium legal services at competitive fee rates
Our Expertise 专业领域
Over the years, Mr. Jiang and our team members have successfully advised many international clients on their business transactions and capital market projects, such as IPO / M&A / RTO deals. Selected Clients / Projects / Deals.
Jiang advises Mr. Guo Degang, an entertainment tycoon & No. 1 talk show star in China.
As a rapidly-growing and geographically dispersed legal team, we are lean, nimble, and laserfocused on delivering highly sophisticated legal advisory services and representations on the most complicated matter in the U.S., China, Hong Kong, and around the globe.